* New Jersey, Bruce says * I was born to run but you’re * Always in my heart
Little Jimmy truckDriver hands me lemon iceTarantella treat
Tiny hamburgerRoute 1 & 9 White CastleNo one sober here
(photo from Flickr)
Scotchwood Diner boothAfter night in City clubFour a.m. French fries
See diner waitressBalance ten plates while pouringYour coffee refillBetty Lind DinerRenamed The ColliseumBooth jukeboxes gone
Rahway, New JerseyYes, as in the prison – butIt’s in Avenel!
Scared Straight now renamedJuvenile Awareness – lostAlliteration
Girl Scout Troop field tripTo Rahway State Prison - stillIn Analysis
Exact change coin tossMissed basket pavement clatterBeep and drive away
What exit are you?Question of class as much asOne of direction